This article really needed an editor’s glance before being published.

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The “pimp” you refer to also highlights the reasons why black families have supported charter schools. He felt public schools failed him and charters nurtured him on a path to success. He wants his community to get the same opportunity but he is going about it the wrong way. A charter school I formerly worked for took over a public school so this is truly art imitating life for me. Also with that character would you have preferred for him to be white? In my experience with charters in NY and NJ the leaders have been white males. At most charted senior leadership doesn’t always look like us. I am glad you brought up how problematic Ava the Principal is because we don’t see principals all over the nation getting upset at how they are being depicted.

Abbott struck a nerve with charters who need to also accept the good AND the bad they have contributed to the education system.

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Nuanced, skilled commentary which is another illustration of why you are an urgently needed voice in this country.

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